Thursday, September 6, 2007

Astana- short update

We are currently in Astana, Kazakhstan, peicing ourselves together after a rough ride across the Kazakh steppes. We were involved in a serious traffic accident where a man got badly injured, but luckily survived. In addition, almost everyone has been ill in one way or another, rashes, colds, stomack problems and fever. But things are looking up, a couple of days in the same spot has done us good. I hope for more time to do other things than take care of primary needs like health, hygene and sleep, as we slow down our travel speed slightly on our way to Almaty.

A million thanks to everyone who has sent me mail or comments on the blogs. It means the world to me, allthough I haven't been able to send replies to most of you.


Petter Alexander Goldstine said...

sounds like the merry pranksters go Asian. have you heard of them, you probably won't get a chance for the next 10 months, so i'll quicky fill you in...
The electric koolaid acid test, is a 99.9% true story about ken kesey (author of one flew over the cuckoos nest) and the merry pranksters travelling around the USA in their psychadellically painted bus named Further.

Have a blast ingrid, thanks for sending me the link.
Tell morten i say hi!

the american

Unknown said...

I am glad that you're OK. Well I keep my fingers crossed and all the good Karma for a good trip. Need anything just e-mail but no bail out money , alright bail out money :-))))
OK but I want a souvenir.

Nathalie M

Unknown said...

hej ingrid.. kan man inte få se hur ni åker på nån karta? borde man inte kunna rita in det på googlemaps eller nåt?

Unknown said...

Taking the strange ways is serious business. I'm happy the man in the accident survived. Must have been a terrible shock to witness.
Back in Norway nothing is new. Politicians argue about their politics none in a way that makes you want to vote for them. Other vice the darkness comes at six and the air is getting colder.
Hope you guys don't miss Norway. Give a great hug to everybody from me!

Anonymous said...

hei Ingrid!
Så fint at dere lager innslag til radioselskapet.Fikk med meg innslaget som ble sendt idag ,tirsdag.Opptak fra Astana.Bra innslag,og fint å høre stemmen din :-)
Åssen er det med dere nå?
Venter på nye reisebrev.

ping said...

Hi there Petter, thanks for commenting. I've read the book, yes. apart from the bathtubs filled with acid, there aren't that many similarities between us and them, though. Martin says hi (you meant martin, not Morten, right?)

ping said...

Nathalie: I'll try to get hol of a good souvenir. The markets here are great. Bailmoney will probably be needed at some point. Say hi to everyone at school!

ping said...

Hiya! Yes we've thought about it, and will do it as soon as possible. Right now we are in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in case you have a map at hand. Good luck with moving house, say hi to Matt and Marianne when you talk to her. xxx, I.

ping said...

IK: big hug right back at'ya.